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The effect of visceral Manipulation massage in the clinical treatment of children and student such as sleep issue, constipation, indigestion, emotional instability and other problems is discussed


The effect of visceral Manipulation massage in the clinical treatment of children and student such as sleep issue, constipation, indigestion, emotional instability and other problems is discussed and considered.

In current 's society, people's living standards and quality have been greatly improved, and the variety of meals in daily families is relatively rich. The food intake of children and student is relatively enough to meet the normal nutritional needs of the human body, and sometimes even excessive. In addition, the imbalance of body posture during learning and exercise affects the physical health and growth of children and student to a certain extent.

In view of the fact that most of the children and middle school students we come into contact with in the clinic have problems such as scoliosis, organ tension (especially the spleen, stomach, duodenum, colon and other intestinal and hepatobiliary functions), and the height of the arch of the foot in the process of treating the spleen, stomach, digestive function, mood and sleep, etc., through the evaluation of their body structure balance and the activity function of internal organs, etc., it is found that most of them have scoliosis, organ tension (especially the spleen, stomach and duodenum, colon and other intestinal and hepatobiliary functions), and the height of the arch of the foot, which once affected the tension of the body's soft tissues and the balance of joint movement. and the internal organs' own activity functions of qi and blood.  As a result, a series of physical health problems are triggered.

Although some children and student are afraid of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, we have helped these children to grow and develop in a healthy direction through the application of special manual techniques such as Visceral Manipulation massage, and spinal balance correction.

Therefore, as a parent of a child, We recommend that you pay attention to the changes in your child's body posture, emotional changes and habits when you are concerned about your child's academic process. Sometimes, children are reluctant to take the initiative to tell their parents when they encounter muscle pain ( such as neck pain, shoulder pain and back pain ) and joint pain such as knee pain and ankle pain etc.)  or constipation, sleep issue, emotional tension, and worry. If you find any of the above anomalies, you are welcome to contact us and we will do our best to answer them.

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