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Healing Touch: Unlocking the Transformative Benefits of Lymphatic Massage

Updated: May 22

It is shown that when these actions are accomplished, the results can be:

  • Reduction in oedemas (swelling) and lymphedemas of various origins

  • Detoxification of the body

  • Regeneration of tissue, including burns, wounds and wrinkles

  • Relief of numerous chronic and subacute inflammations, including sinusitis, bronchitis and otitis

  • Relief of chronic pain, joint pain and arthritis

  • Reduce anxiety, relief depression, mood irregularities

  • Reduce frequent flu and colds.

  • Reduction in the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Anti-spastic actions to relieve conditions such as muscle hypertonus and some forms of constipation

  • Deep relaxation to aid insomnia, stress, and loss of vitality and loss of memory

  • Alleviation of adiposis and cellulite tissue

  • Anti-aging effects

It becomes essential for people who have problems with their body’s drainage system.


What can it be used for?

(1) Lymphatic massage has been used for years to enhance the quality of the skin.

It aids the increase of lymph flow. When the lymph is flowing as it should, cells are bathed in fresh fluid making the skin look fresh and alive.

(2) Lymphatic massage is also useful for people with sports injuries.

a. When applied after neuromuscular massage, lymphatic massage helps to clear the tissue of debris and reduce the minor oedema.

b. Repeated lymphatic massage whilst healing from a sports injury can help to enhance the tissue regeneration process by keeping the tissue as healthy as possible.

(3) lymphatic massage can also help the scarring process by enhancing circulation and immunity.

a. Increased lymph flow around the scar stimulates damaged lymph vessels to heal.

b. Increased lymph flow draws away toxins improving the health of the tissues.

(4) lymph drainage massage is in breast cancer cases.

Women who have had axillary lymph nodes removed sometimes develop edema in their arm. As long as there is only minor swelling, a massage therapist with a good knowledge of contraindication and some specific techniques can do a great amount of good.

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