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The Power of Periosteum: Unlocking Natural Healing for Body and Mind

Updated: May 22

The benefits of PM has two components:

1. PM has a direct therapeutic effect on musculo-skeletal disorders. PM on the affected areas of periosteum evokes a local inflammatory response. This response provokes a number of reactions:

Support regeneration of the periosteum;

Improve the microcirculation;

Balance of metabolic processes in the bones and joints;

Reinforce of capsule and ligaments of the joints.

The results are elimination of pain and delayed development of the degenerative process in the joints. The local vasomotor reflexes are responsible for the direct therapeutic effects of PM.

2. PM through common spinal nerves has an indirect therapeutic effect on some inner organ disorders. PM interrupts a vicious circle, which takes place between the affected inner organs and the reflex zones in the periosteum by restoring local metabolism and eliminating reflex zones.

3. PM has greatest therapeutic effects on the cardiac, pulmonary, and gastric pathologies. For example, stomach peristalsis significantly increased and cardiac rate decreased 10-16 beats per minute after PM treatment on the periosteum of the ribs.

Indications for Periosteum Massage

Indications for PM treatment of inner organ disorders are limited. To estimate the clinical results, it is recommended that PM be used for treatment of patients with the following pathologies:

1. Diseases and traumas of the musculo-skeletal systems. Delays of fractures consolidation and rehabilitation during the postsurgical period.

2. Diseases of the cardio-vascular system.

a. Cardiac arrhythmias.

b. Coronary arteries diseases.

(1). Angina pectoris.

(2). Rehabilitation after myocardial infarction.

3. Diseases of the pulmonary system.

a. Pneumonia.

b. Bronchitis.

c. Bronchial asthma.

4. Diseases of the digestive system.

a. Gastritis, peptic ulcer.

b. Hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis.


We like to emphasis that PM is a radical method of treatment of pain syndromes which are caused by various diseases of the skeletal system. It is performed in case of:

Headaches and neck pain

Shoulder joint pain and backaches

Upper vessels diseases

Limbs diseases

Pelvis mis-alignment

Heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, urinary tracks, gull ducts, feminine diseases

Delay surgery

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