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What is Pelvis Correction Therapy

Updated: May 22

The pelvis or pelvic girdle, is a muscle, bone, and connective tissue structure. The pelvis and spine form one basic central structure, and is a foundation for the body, spine and skeletal frame.

Pelvis position and freedom of movement are of principal importance in postural alignment. Any strain that occurs in this structure will peak in the weakest area -commonly the lower lumbar spine. Pelvic mis-alignment will also cause mis-alignment throughout the entire skeletal system – upwards through the spinal column (causing strain on spinal vertebrae segments in the lower, middle and upper back, and also affecting neck, shoulders and arms), and downwards through the legs (affecting alignment of knees, ankles and feet). Few people escape back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain and other discomforts from the various musculo-skeletal problems. Many of these problems result from pelvic instability and mis-alignment.

Symptoms of, and conditions exacerbated by pelvic misalignment include:

  • Mild, moderate and severe lower and upper back pain

  • Tingling or pain down one or both legs (sciatica)

  • Stiffness or pain in the neck

  • Painful knees and ankles joint

  • “Wear and tear” of the inter-vertebral discs

  • Herniated inter-vertebral discs

  • Persistent Headaches

  • Frozen Shoulder

  • “Pulled Back Muscles”

  • Lumbago

To deal with these problems, maintaining pelvic alignment will support and enhance other treatment which may be required to be undergone with Chiropractor, Acupuncturist, Remedial massaged therapist, Osteopath or other practitioners in the field. This will sometimes correct a mis-aligned pelvis, but the problem is that the pelvis moves around and goes out of alignment quickly after treatment, so the individual is dependent upon continuing frequent treatment to gain relief.

Benefits with the Pelvis Correction Therapy:

  • Relieves lower back pain, shoulder and neck ache

  • Relieves sciatic nerve pain

  • Improves posture

  • Ideal when pregnant as takes pressure off pelvis

  • Old aches and pains can be eased in minutes

During the treatment period, patients will be taught exercises that they must then adopt in order to keep their pelvis in the correct alignment. They are given additional instruction on how to stabilize the pelvis and work on major postural muscle groups to support and reinforce structural alignment. These exercises should  take into account each individual’s level of flexibility and strength as patients start to take a more active role in their own physical well-being.

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